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Education Spectrum offers assistance and training for parents, teachers and para-professionals to support individuals with developmental & learning differences

Virtual and live sessions available.   


Parent, Family, Caregiver Training & Support

Vendor # PP4643, Service Code 102, $50 per session. Virtual and live sessions available.
Assistance and training for parents/caregivers to support neurodiverse individuals.


Training services include a variety of models including 1.5 hours, 3 hours and full day trainings on the topics listed below:

  • Addressing behavior patterns in the home

  • Healthy schedules

  • Nutrition & exercise

  • Healthy relationships

  • Making and maintaining friendships

  • Conflict resolution

  • Building your support team


Professionals Training & Support

Since 1996, Education Spectrum has offered assistance and training for a variety of professionals and practitioners to support neurodiverse individuals with social, educational and behavioral differences.

Training Services can also take place in the natural settings

This involves observations, modeling and feedback, to help staff working with individuals to receive real time input regarding utilization of the most appropriate strategies and supports. These services can be utilized after the completion of a specific assessment to help with implementation of recommendations, as well as to provide general support at the first sign of difficulty or need.

Professional Training

Training services include a variety of models including 1.5 hours, 3 hours and full day trainings on the topics listed below:

  • Overview of Autism Spectrum Disorders (Updated for DSM Criteria)

  • Social Skills Development and Intervention 

  • Positive Behavior Support and Intervention

  • Writing Behavior Intervention Plans

  • Understanding and Supporting Learning Differences

  • Effective Team Collaboration

  • Understanding and supporting Executive Functioning Challenges

  • Roles and Responsibilities of IEP and IPP teams;
    including para-professionals

District & Private School Based Consultation Services 

When providing services to school districts or private schools, Education Spectrum consultants visit classrooms where individuals/staff need support. In these cases, observations are conducted
and the consultant collaborates with the individual's team to develop programming strategies
for defined areas of need.

This can include social, educational, or behavioral support. These consultation services can be individualized to a student or generalized to a classroom. The length and duration of consultation is a decision for an IEP team, based on a recommendation by our consultants. There are also occasions when classroom consultation can be utilized as follow up to attendees from an Education Spectrum training session.



The staff at education spectrum has years of experience collaborating with school teams to help optimize the educational experience for students. These services can be provided as part of an IEP for a student or as general classroom consultation to support teachers in their overall classroom strategies. These services include but are not limited to:


  • Behavior intervention support

  • Social skills programming

  • Inclusion support

  • Assistant Training – general and student specific

  • Classroom management

  • Integrative programming


The staff at Education Spectrum has both experience and expertise in developing programs specifically for students with all levels of autism. When requested, consultants are available to work with team interested in developing cutting edge and effective programs for individuals with autism spectrum or other disorders. This can include:


  • Program Design

  • Classroom management systems

  • Integration of DIS services

  • Instructional methods

  • Environmental design

  • Social Skills programming

  • Staff tracking


Education Spectrum conducts Functional Behavior Assessments as requested by a contracted school district.


Education Spectrum is available to provide peer training in the area of disability awareness in classrooms that are working to better include classmates. The focus of these consultations is to educate students about their peers and how they can be role models and friends and answer questions.

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